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Watch Out! Bible game + pieces

Mind your step on this trip through the Bible!

Printed downloads (below), scissors, glue stick, thin card

1. Print the board game page, tokens and dice pages.

2. Paste board game onto thin card and set aside.

3. Cut out the shape of the dice and stick onto thin card.

4. Score dice and then fold along the dotted lines.

5. Using a glue stick, rub glue on the spaces marked 'glue'.

6. Stick the cube together.

7. Paste tokens onto card and cut out.

8. Follow instructions on the board using your new dice and tokens!

All of us are equally important to God, even though we’re totally different. It’s like we need to have every part of a board game to play it—the tokens, the board itself, the rules, the dice and, of course, the players. Take away one piece and you can’t play. No tokens—how does each player move? No board—where will the tokens go? No dice—how do you know the number of spaces to go? No rules—there’s no game to follow. And, of course, there’s no point to a game at all if you have no players!
The Bible says it’s the same with God’s family. Like a body made up of heaps of parts, we all have different gifts, talents and personalities. The Bible even calls people who believe in Jesus that! “So it is with the 'body' of Christ … each one of you is a separate and necessary part of it” (1 Corinthians chapter 12, verse 12 and 27).
The Salvation Army

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