Advent Calendar

Construction craft paper (ours was A4 size), 2 wiggle eyes, a red pom-pom for nose, scraps of black card for antlers, scissors, ribbon, glue, ruler, pencil, stapler

1. Put the ruler along the short side of paper and draw a line along it. Repeat this along the sheet of paper. You’ll get about nine strips out of one A4 sheet. Repeat on other sheets until you have 26 strips. This will make 25 rings for the countdown and one for the reindeer’s head.
2. Cut the strips out.
3. If you want to make the countdown even more fun, write a suggestion of festive things to do with your fam inside each ring. Ideas could include: watch a fave Christmas movie, make decorations, bake Christmas cookies, drive around to look at Christmas lights, read a Bible story about Jesus’ birth, go to a carol service.
4. Use a stapler to make a chain using 25 rings. If you like you can number them, from 1 (at the bottom) up to 25 at the top.
5. Make your reindeer face by gluing on eyes and nose. Cut some antlers out of the black cardboard and glue them on. Bend the antlers forward to give them a three-dimensional look. Make a ring with the reindeer face by attaching it to the top ring (number 25).
6. Put a loop of ribbon through the top and your countdown reindeer is ready to hang on your Christmas tree or on the wall. On each day of December, take off a ring until you get to the 25th, Christmas Day!
Advent calendars are an awesome way to make the lead-up to Christmas Day special, and after all, this is super-special time of year! What could be more special than the birth of God’s son, Jesus? Remember what the angel said to the shepherds on the first Christmas night: “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The saviour, yes the Lord, has been born today in Bethlehem” (Luke chapter 2, verses 10-11).