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Make a Flip Book

WHAT YOU NEED: White craft paper, coloured card, scissors, ruler, pencils, hole punch, pipe cleaners

  1. Cut around 30 strips of paper approximately 5 cm by 12 cm.

  2. Make three even piles of the paper strips.

  3. Draw di erent cartoon characters on the strips with the head on one strip, the body on the second strip and legs on the third strip.

  4. Keep the three piles separate and use the hole punch to make a hole on the le side of each pile.

  5. Cut two pieces of the coloured card approximately 20 cm by 14 cm.

  6. Put the two pieces together and punch three holes down the left side of the card.

  7. Line up the cartoon strips with the holes in the card and bind together with pipe cleaners.

  8. Make funny characters by flipping each section of paper to create silly combos.


When we believe in God, things change! It’s as if we’re turning over a new page when we ask him to come into our lives. The Bible tells us that when we ask God to be our friend “…it is a whole new world. The old things are gone; suddenly, everything is new!" (2 Corinthians chapter 5, verse 17). It’s great to know that God will be there to help us become the people he wants us to be!

The Salvation Army

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