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find out more about them and see what they've been up to!

The Kidzone magazine has 10 awesome members in its team. Each one of them is special and unique—they all love sharing their talents and interests with other people, especially kids.

Cousin Koala
The Traveller is a real outdoorsy person, confident, brave and curious about the world she lives in.

Birthday: 6 June

Fave colour: Burnt Orange

Fave food: Muesli bars, bananas

Likes: Adventure, holidays,
orienteering, photography

​Dislikes: Blisters, hunters,
environmental disasters

Saying: I’m outta here!

Fave Bible verse: ‘Go and preach the good news of Jesus to everyone in the world’ Mark 16:15.

Cousin Koala, also known as CK, is Kidzone’s official mascot.

Birthday: 26 January

Fave colour: Green

Fave food: Eucalyptus leaves and chocolate cake

Likes: Kidzone, writing letters, art, mini-golf, conservation

​Dislikes: Bushfires, bullies

Saying: G’day mate!

Fave Bible verse: ‘Don’t let anyone make fun of you, just because you are young. Set an example to all believers in what you say and do’ 1 Timothy 4:12.

Sam is extremely supportive and caring towards others.

Birthday: 18 November

Fave colour: Royal blue

Fave food: Hamburgers

Likes: Reading the Bible,
hanging out with friends, music

​Dislikes: Injustice, fighting

Saying: Be strong!

Fave Bible verse: ‘The Lord requires you to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God’ Micah 6:8.

Jym is a very good sports player—tough, athletic and a loyal team mate.

Birthday: 10 December

Fave colour: Aussie Gold

Fave food: Oranges

Likes: Being active, competition,
training, Chariots of Fire

​Dislikes: Laziness, junk food

Saying: Keep on movin’!

Fave Bible verse: ‘Christ gives me the strength to face anything’ Philippians 4:13.

D-Jayn is playful and loud —
when it comes to music she
really knows her stuff!

Birthday: 22 December

Fave colour: Hot pink

Fave food: Curry chicken

Likes: Music, dancing, technology,
concerts, shopping

​Dislikes: Flat batteries, music piracy

Saying: Stay kewl!

Fave Bible verse: ‘Worship the Lord
with gladness; come before him
with joyful songs’ Psalm 100:2.

Oliver is a fun-loving guy, creative guy with a great imagination.

Birthday: 24 June

Fave colour: Cyan blue

Fave food: Mac'n'cheese

Likes: Being creative, drawing, photography, fixing things

​Dislikes: Waste

Saying: Give it a go!

Fave Bible verse: ‘In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth’ Genesis 1:1.

BitBoy loves playing video games and has an awesome collection of video game characters.

Birthday: 14 May

Fave colour: Sonic blue

Fave food: Meat-lover’s pizza

Likes: Games, technology, winning,
gadgets, action films

​Dislikes: Cheaters, power black-outs

Saying: Game on!

Fave Bible verse: ‘Follow God’s rules for a happy life’ Deuteronomy 5:29.

28-Kay is always searching through the app store for the hottest new apps and latest updates.

Birthday: 12 September

Fave colour: Purple

Fave food: Berry smoothie

Likes: Internet, hover board,
going fast, learning new things,
funny YouTube videos

​Dislikes: Bugs in the system, spam

Saying: Surf safe!

Fave Bible verse: ‘Be kind and loving to each other’ Ephesians 4:32.

Faith is the newest member of
the Kidzone team ready and excited to teach the kidzoners
new experiments!

Birthday: 7 November

Fave colour: Turquoise

Fave food: Popcorn, dumplings

Likes: Science, learning, craft,
Bunsen burners, books

​Dislikes: Miscalculations

Saying: ‘Doing your best means
never stop trying’.

Fave Bible verse: ‘Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise’ Proverbs 19:20.

Cheffy absolutely loves food and likes to do things perfectly.
His food tastes amazing!

Birthday: 2 November

Fave colour: Sugar white

Fave food: Sushi, custard

Likes: Cooking, eating, making a mess, parties, good friends

​Dislikes: Soggy vegetables

Saying: Iku-ze (Let’s do this!)

Fave Bible verse: ‘God saw all that he had made, and it was very good’ Genesis 1:31.

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Kidzone is a Christian magazine for kids.

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